An account of my experience of life since my birth, focussing on years when something specific happened, which impacted my life and my future

Friday, 3 September 2021


 There was already a Church Stand at the Showground, but a number of local ministers, notably Rev Peter James, Vicar of Great Leighs, thought there ought to be a more specifically evangelical witness at the Show, to make known the Gospel to the hundreds of visitors attending.  Harold Freeman and I took up the challenge.  Harold had been General Secretary of the Methodist Revival Fellowship, and I was Secretary of the Chelmsford and District Evangelical Fellowship (CADEF), so we had plenty of contacts in the local churches.  However, our personalities were not particularly compatible, but somehow with God's help we managed it!   We launched the Stand under the banner of Essex Evangelical Witness, and we had support from a number of evangelical churches in the Chelmsford and Braintree area.  Here are some pics of the first year

We chose as our theme the uncertainty of the times, and peoples' desire for answers.  ( Nothing has changed!)  We had an exhibition, and a leaflet which we distributed, with a return slip.  There was quite a lot of interest!  We hired a marquee locally, and the rent of the site was paid from donations received. The statement of account, prepared by our Treasurer Mike Barker, showed an income of £255 5s ( this was before decimalisation!) and an excess of income over expenses of £2 16s 9d,  So we were encouraged to think that God wanted the work to continue, and continue it did, until 1987!   We finished with a balance in hand of £855.19, which we distributed to local Christian work.  This illustrates the point, which was observed by Hudson Taylor, that God's work, done in God's way, never lacks God's provision!  My 'signing off' letter, in March1987, referred to my whole family being enriched by the experience.