An account of my experience of life since my birth, focussing on years when something specific happened, which impacted my life and my future

Sunday, 7 March 2021

 July 1949.  I received the results from the University of London of the External Intermediate Science Examination which I had recently sat.  They said  :

Applied Mathematics C  Pass

Pure Mathematics  B Good Pass

Physics B Good Pass.

That was a relief, so I could press on to the BSc Finals course!

July 1952.  I received the news from the University of London that I had been awarded the degree of    BSc General with Second Class Honours.  That was the result of three years hard work in evening classes and day release by Marconi's, and I considered it justified my decision to leave Brentwood School at an early age.

September 1952 to January 1953.  I attended the Marconi College Course at Arbour Lane.  The College is no longer there, and has been replaced by houses.

 I'm in the front row, next to David Chandler, who was a Graduate Apprentice after taking a course at Cambridge. (Since deceased.)  David Farthing is in the back row. 

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Sunday 18th. September 1949.  I was baptised by immersion at Brentwood Baptist Church, by Rev. E, G. Keed.  The other candidates were Eileen Richardson and Myrtle Boyland.  The Bible verse given me was 2 Timothy 2 verse 15  (Authorised Version in use at that time)  'Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'

This is the baptismal certificate given to me at the time, rather faded by the intervening almost 72 years!  Since then, I have endeavoured, with God's help, to keep to the promises made then.  I'm still working out on a daily basis the meaning of the printed verse on the certificate, in  the modern version The Message: 'Going under the water was a burial of your old life; coming up out of it was a resurrection, God raising you from the dead as he did Christ.'